
More Distribution Math Problems & Charts

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You are adding 6 lbs/day of chlorine gas to a flow of 277 gpm and your total chlorine residual is 1.5 mg/L. What is your chlorine demand in mg/L?


Click on the thumbnail below for a chart of pump station math for cylindrical tanks and have some fun!!!


Click on the thumbnail below for a chart of pump station math for rectangular tanks and have some fun!!!


Click on the thumbnail below for a chart of pipe math and have some fun!!!


1 The units for pressure are A Divided by
2 Head is expressed in B 2.31
3 Velocity is measured in C 0.434 psi
4 Units of flow D psi
5 Pressure times _______ = Head E fps
6 Head __________ 2.31 = Pressure F 1440
7 20 psi =  G 694 gpm
8 1 MGD =  H cfs
9 A head loss of 7 feet = I 3 psi
  J Times
  K ft
  L 46.2 ft
  M Subtracted by


The formula for the volume of a rectangular tank is

A.  (Length)(Width)

B.  (0.785)(Diameter2)

C.  (Length)(Width)(Height)

D.  (0.785)(Diameter2)(Height)


The formula for the volume of a cylindrical tank is

A.  (Length)(Width)

B.  (0.785)(Diameter2)

C.  (Length)(Width)(Height)

D.  (0.785)(Diameter2)(Height)


Given a tank measures 50 feet long, 25 feet wide, and 15 ft deep, calculate:

  • Surface area in ft2
  • Cross-sectional area in square feet
  • Volume in cf
  • Capacity in gallons


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